دلالة الأفعال في مضامين الصيغ التاريخية من العصر البابلي القديم pdf
ملخص الدراسة:
Date formula or as it is known as the dates of years according tothe events is one of the most important subjects in the cuneiform texts.It became one of the most prominent historical corpus kept by theancient Iraqis for us, and they explained the events in detail to beThis study came to highlight the .successful beginning of the calendarsignificance of the acts listed in the contents of the Date Formula fromthe ancient Babylonian period(1595 - 2004 BC) as a model. These deedswere the most prominent source that showed the reality of events indetail. This came to illustrate what is full of confusion or ambiguity in theinterpretation and sometimes inaccuracies in the translation because thesignificance of the concept of the language means the study of themeaning by explanation and interpretation also by the study of lexicalmeaning comparing it with what is stated in the dictionary. The presentresearch is divided into three parts based on the diversity of the contentsof historical Date formula based mainly on significance of the actions.The first part includes the political events like crowning the kings orpolitical marriage or the death of one of the kings or the legislation andthe reforms in the country. Or it deals also with the military campaignslike the destruction of cities as well as wars and battles and fighting theenemy armies. The second part is confined to the religious events like theinauguration of priests and priestesses in the temples, as well as what is related to ceremonial religious events such as establishing statues of thegoddess and the Kings. Finally, the last part concentrates on constructionirrigation projects, such as digging canals or the agrarian reform , andbuilding the temples the fences, gates and small industries related todecorate temples.
خصائص الدراسة
م. احمد ميسر فاضل
سنة النشر
مجلة آثار الرافدين - جامعة الموصل
المجلد 3 ، العدد 1
المجلات الاكاديمية العلمية العراقية
الصفحات 284-313
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رابط الدراسةhttps://www.iasj.net/iasj/download/bdb8795d32083b95