الخصائص المعمارية المشتركة في تخطيط البيمارستان وتطوره في العصور العربية والاسلامي pdf
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Bimaristan is one of the charitable institutions established bycaliphs, ministers, princes and doctors. It serves as charity and services to the public and the private sector of all types, jobs and specialties. Is a place or place to treat patients and shelter them for a long period of treatment. In ancient civilizations, many posters, known as "houses of mercy" in the civilization of Mesopotamia called the Nile Valley, as mentioned in the Persian civilization with the word "Bimaristan" as received from the Greek civilization in the word "Achsendokin" In the Islamic era, the Arabs used the word "Bimarstan" in terms of terminology and language, and kept their medical and therapeutic functions as a suitable place and place to treat patients under the supervision of specialized doctors. Developed during the Arab and Islamic periods and continued until the end of the Ottoman era. Known as Dar Al-Shifa, Misha, Bimarkhana, Timarkhana, Shafakhanah, Khosta and Al-Maristan, all of which refer to the meaning of the hospital in its present sense.Islamic Bimarastiyat, one of the most famous architectural structures built by Muslims in their long history, resembles the rest of other Islamic buildings such as mosques, mosques, schools, the role of science, modernity, communication, sophistication, angles and others. It has become an inherited architectural tradition created by different types / such as Bimarstan, public and private, varies by type of disease and pain، The oldest of Bimarestans are Bimaristan Wars, Bimaristan Blind, Disabled, Disabled, Madmen, Prisoners, Maggots, Elderly, Elderly, Strangers, Orphans, School Students and Institutes. All the Bimaristanisplanned on the basis of a distinctive architectural system consisting of a large high wall surrounding all parts of Bimaristan. Large, high-capacity and high, topped by arched ceilings and arches that provide an open courtyard or a wide and easily accessible yard, basin, basin, fountain, shed or sign. Administrative, supervisory, service, external, Diwan, glasses, barbakhana, school, library, mosque, stands, morgue toilets, and bimarstan tombs dedicated to bury the dead. Food, fireplaces, bread ovens, and guard and surveillance rooms.
خصائص الدراسة
أ.م.د. اكرم محمد يحيى
سنة النشر
مجلة آثار الرافدين - جامعة الموصل
المجلد 3 ، العدد 2
المجلات الاكاديمية العلمية العراقية
الصفحات 187-224
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رابط الدراسةhttps://www.iasj.net/iasj/download/f7866f1a382fabd0