علاقة الصوت بالمعنى في صيغة الفعل الرباعي المضاعف (فعلل) في التعبير القرآني pdf

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علاقة الصوت بالمعنى في صيغة الفعل الرباعي المضاعف (فعلل) في التعبير القرآني pdf


علاقة الصوت بالمعنى في صيغة الفعل الرباعي المضاعف (فعلل) في التعبير القرآني pdf

ملخص الدراسة:

This search entitled “the relation between phonology and semantics in the form of the tetra-letter repetitive verb ((فعلل in quranic expression “studies the effect of sounds that forms the individual utterance in the targeting meaning. this problem had been discussed in the past by linguists by relating the utterance (indicative) and meaning .we may consider Al-Khalil Bin Ahmed (Dead in 175 A.H.)The pioneer of this linguistic theory which he spoke about thoroughly in the introduction of his book “Al-Ain” (العين ). This it was discussed by linguists who came after him ,such as Bin Jinny in his book “Al-Khasaes”(الخصائص) Our study of the tetra –letter repetitive verb which consists of two repeated letters in the form (فعلل) in the quranic expression has an effect in the meaning that the quranic expression tries to express. these tetra –letter has come in very few positions which we have counted as seven verbs ,these are (حصحص) , (دمدم) , (زحزح) , (زلزل) , (عسعس) , (كبكب) and (وسوس) . The search has been based on the relation between repetition of letters of these forms phonetically and the quranic meaning meant to express .we have presented in each form a linguists semantic analysis accompanied by paraphrase for the utterance in the verse, i.e. textually, then we have presented a phonological analysis for every letter came in the verbal form. After that, we explained the relation of these two letters as place and manner of articulation with the targeting meaning and the connection of sounds in identifying the semantic meaning.

خصائص الدراسة

  • المؤلف

    فراس عبدالعزيز عبدالقادر(*)

  • سنة النشر


  • الناشر:

    مجلة اداب الرافدين - جامعة الموصل

  • المجلد/العدد:

    المجلد ، العدد 48

  • المصدر:

    المجلات الاكاديمية العلمية العراقية

  • الصفحات:

    الصفحات 243-266

  • نوع المحتوى:

    بحث علمي

  • اللغة:


  • ISSN:


  • محكمة:


  • الدولة:


  • النص:

    دراسة كاملة

  • نوع الملف:


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