فاعلية القرار القيادي في العصر الراشدي (11هـ – 40هـ) pdf

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فاعلية القرار القيادي في العصر الراشدي (11هـ – 40هـ) pdf


فاعلية القرار القيادي في العصر الراشدي (11هـ – 40هـ) pdf

ملخص الدراسة:

The paper studies the effectiveness of the leadership resolution of AL-Rashedoon caliphs through leadership of the State. This is represented by the obedience showed by the subjects towards their caliph. It was found that the resolutions issued on outdoor adults, and the decisions in some significant issued were effective. The study does not focus on the narrating, but all decisions on made by other companions or some influential personalities. It includes, decisions. 1- The era of the two caliphs (Abu Bakr, Omar may Allah pleased with them), all their resolutions were active, despite the objections had been raised against them at the outset, but once the mass feel that it is by the caliph that the others implemented it without objection. 2- The Penod of the caliph Othman. This penod included many effective resolutions like replacing Abu Musa.This was one manifestation of sedition, which occurred atthe same time. On the other hand, Othman during the crisis and his lecture had issued orders not implemented. 3- The Caliphate of Imam Ali has witnessed grave breaches disrupted its effectiveness in the struggle with his rival Mu'awiyah. All this because pro Ali group were claiming that Ali the only one has the right of caliphate directly after the Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him) Ali successor Previously Othman.

خصائص الدراسة

  • المؤلف

    سالم أحمد محل

  • سنة النشر


  • الناشر:

    مجلة اداب الرافدين - جامعة الموصل

  • المجلد/العدد:

    المجلد ، العدد 49

  • المصدر:

    المجلات الاكاديمية العلمية العراقية

  • الصفحات:

    الصفحات 195-232

  • نوع المحتوى:

    بحث علمي

  • اللغة:


  • ISSN:


  • محكمة:


  • الدولة:


  • النص:

    دراسة كاملة

  • نوع الملف:


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