سعد بن عبادة ( رضي الله عنه) حامل راية الانصار pdf

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سعد بن عبادة ( رضي الله عنه)  حامل راية الانصار pdf


سعد بن عبادة ( رضي الله عنه) حامل راية الانصار pdf

ملخص الدراسة:

The prophet's companions are the persons who made thesacrifices, served Islam and the messenger of Allah Mohammedpeace be upon him. So, they (the prophet's companions) were theideal and example and were highly sincere and dedicated to theirideology represented by Islam.Saad Ibn Ubadah was one of those great companions. He wasan example of the men who were known to be of strong characters,generosity, bravery and dignity. Saad Ibn Ubadah contributed to theestablish meaty the Islamic State in Yathrib before the immigrationof prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) as he was the leader ofSaa'ida clan which belonged to AlKhazraj tribe in addition to hisparticipations in all the events with the prophet.

خصائص الدراسة

  • المؤلف

    اخلاص عبدالرزاق محمود

  • سنة النشر


  • الناشر:

    مجلة اداب الرافدين - جامعة الموصل

  • المجلد/العدد:

    المجلد ، العدد 67

  • المصدر:

    المجلات الاكاديمية العلمية العراقية

  • الصفحات:

    الصفحات 297-318

  • نوع المحتوى:

    بحث علمي

  • اللغة:


  • ISSN:


  • محكمة:


  • الدولة:


  • النص:

    دراسة كاملة

  • نوع الملف:


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